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Valuation Analysis

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EJ Ventures valuation methologies

Find the right comps

If you're not compared with the right peers, you may not be properly valued. For example, Apple was initially valued as a cyclical company given its product cycles but as they added services and earned a sticky install business, they should have been compared to durable staples with stable earnings growth expectations. 


Appropriate inputs

For a DCF analysis, we need to forecast your company's future cash flows and discount them back to the present value using an appropriate discount rate. Finding a true practitioner's rate that your potential funders will have in mind is critical to showing up to a pitch with numbers that make sense to both sides.


Variety of methods

Our Valuation Analysis provides you with a comprehensive look at your business's future potential. We specialize in a range of methodologies including comp analysis, DCF, Venture Capital, Berkus Method, Scorecard method, and First Chicago method. We apply this expertise to deliver the most accurate and insightful analysis that will help you move your business forward.

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